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Product Catalog Glossary of Terms
Product Catalog Glossary of Terms

We've defined some commonly used phrases in the Product Catalog. They're separated into 3 sections: Inventory, Financials, and Performance.

Lisa Jones avatar
Written by Lisa Jones
Updated over a week ago


ASIN - Amazon Standard Identification Number.

Days On Hand - The estimated number of days until out of stock (Stock Quantity / 30-day Sales Rate)

Days Until Reorder - The number of days to order inventory before the Days On Hand equals specified Lead Time.

Inventory - Quantity of items considered "fulfillable."

Lead Time - The approximate number of days for your product to be "in stock" after ordering more inventory.
Parent ASIN - The non-buyable entity used to relate child products.
Product - The title as it appears in the Amazon listing.

Projected Out - Estimated date when Stock Quantity = 0.

Reorder Level - Stock Quantity below this level triggers an alert.

Retail Value - The total value of inventory at retail price [Stock Quantity x Avg. Price].
SKU - Stock Keeping Unit; seller assigned; unique identifier.

SKU Wholesale Value - Value of inventory at cost [Stock Quantity x COGS].


Advertising Spend - Amount spent on Amazon's sponsored products campaigns in the time period selected.
Avg. Net Profit - Estimated profit per unit ($) after all promotions, advertisements, returns/ refunds, fees and COGS.
Avg. Price - Total Sales ($) divided by Units Sold (#) in the time period selected.
Avg. Promotion - Total Promotions ($) divided by Units Sold (#) in the time period selected.
COGS - Cost of Goods Sold is the cost associated with producing your product, which typically includes materials, labor, and shipment to fulfillment centers.

Loaded Cost - COGS + Avg. Amazon Fees.
Margin - Net Profit divided by Revenue x 100.

Price - is the pricing of your product on Amazon.
Profit - Estimated net profit ($) after all promotions, advertisements, returns/ refunds, fees and COGS.
Promotions Spend - Amount spent on promotions in the time period selected.
Revenue - Gross income before costs.
Sales Forecast - Projected Units Sold (#) per day based on the previous 30-day Sales Rate.
Sales Rate - Units Sold (#) divided by number of days in the time period selected.
Total Amazon Fees - Total fees per item, including FBA, shipping, shipping chargebacks, and commission fees.
Units Returned - The total number of returns in the time period selected.
Units Sold - The quantity of products sold in the selected time period.


Buy Box % - The percentage of page views for an ASIN where your company appeared in the Buy Box.
Pageviews - The total number of unique visits the product detail page received for the ASIN.
Session Conversion % - Units Sold (#) relative to the number of sessions the product detail page received for the ASIN.
Sessions - A visit to your product detail page; one session includes all activity from an IP address within a 24-hour period for an ASIN.

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