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How do I add another user to my account?
How do I add another user to my account?

Revolutionize Your Team's Access: Introducing Multiple Logins!

Denis avatar
Written by Denis
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you're tired of sharing account credentials, we have exciting news for you! Seller Labs now offers the ability to have multiple logins for a single account. This game-changing feature makes it easier than ever for you and your team to manage your Seller Labs account.

Adding Users

With multiple logins, everyone on your team can have their own access! To get started, go to your account settings, then to 'My Organization'.

Seller Labs Account Menu for My Organization

Your email address will be shown with the Owner role by default.

To add a new user, please hit the Add New button, then Add New User:

Seller Labs Account Menu for My Organization How to Add a New User

In the pop-up, enter the user's email, select the account, and choose their role (Owner, Admin, or Member). Click 'Send Invite':

Seller Labs Account Menu for My Organization pop up menu to add a new user

User roles:

  1. Owner - can remove and add Admins/Members.

  2. Admin - can remove and add Admins/Members, but canโ€™t remove Owner.

  3. Member - just an app user. User management is not available for this role.

After you pushed the Send Invite button, the invited user should receive an email with the invitation link:

Seller Labs Email to the new user to accept the invitation

After the invited user accepts, they'll appear in 'My Organization':

Seller Labs Account Menu for My Organization Menu

They'll need to set a new password by using the 'Forgot Password' link to access your organization's Seller Labs PRO/Data Hub account under their email address.

Revoking Access

To revoke access (Owner and Admin roles only), click the three dots next to the user, then 'View Details'. In the pop-up, click 'Revoke Access' or the trash icon. The user will be removed immediately.

Seller Labs Account Menu for My Organization Revoke Access

The user's membership will be revoked at once and the user will be removed from the user list.

Please check the video instructions below:

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  • Connect via the in-app chat icon, located in the bottom-right of your screen while logged into any of our apps

  • Search the Knowledge Base to see if your question has already been answered

  • Make an appointment with us for more direct support

*No Credit Card Needed

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