Ad Genius makes quick work at finding high-impact keywords and search terms for your Amazon advertising campaigns with the Smart Filters feature. This lets you quickly take action on various categories of critical search terms and keywords.
You can filter your keywords and search terms by poor conversions, unprofitability, good performance, and underperforming ads.
Selecting a smart filter causes the threshold data filters to automatically update and apply to the data set. Changing a threshold when a smart filter is applied causes the smart filter to become "unchecked."
Accessing this feature is found by clicking on the Keywords option from the hamburger menu in the top left corner under Ad Genius. From here, you can use the Smart Filters option in either the Keywords or Search Terms pages.
Within the Keywords and Search Terms pages, click the Showing Any Keyword option then the Smart Filters option from the dropdown. From here, you’ll see filters for:
Poor Conversion
Good Performance
What does each Smart Filter option do?
Poor Conversion: Selecting this option will autopopulate 3 data filters: a minimum of 5 Clicks, a minimum of 0.5% Click Rate, and a maximum conversion rate of 7%.
Unprofitable: Selecting this option will autopopulate 2 data filters: a minimum ACoS of 30%, and a minimum of 10 clicks.
Good Performance: Selecting this option will autopopulate 2 data filters: a maximum ACoS of 25%, and a minimum of 10 clicks.
Once you’ve selected a smart filter, use bulk actions to quickly perform critical optimization tasks on your Keywords and Search terms.
At this time, the Smart Filter definitions are not user-customizable.
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