Ad Genius allows you the ability to view and edit the bids assigned to Placements for Sponsored Products that are currently being advertised. Placements dictate where your ads could appear across Amazon. Bids for placements are set on a multiplier scale between 0% and 900%. If you choose to adjust bids by placement, bids will be increased by the specified amounts when your ads compete for opportunities on those placements. These are the three locations where your ad can be placed:
Top of Search
Product Pages
Rest of Search
To adjust those placement bids, simply access the Campaigns Page in Ad Genius and search or find the applicable Sponsored Product Campaign. Once you are viewing the details of the campaign, click the Placement tab to view and edit the current bids associated with each placement type.
In addition to manually adjusting Placement bids, Ad Genius will also provide Suggestions to assist in optimizing your Placement performance.
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