Ad Scheduling is a powerful tool that can give you a competitive edge in your Amazon advertising campaigns. It allows you to allocate your ad budget to the times when your campaigns perform at their best. In this guide, we'll explore different strategies for making the most of Seller Labs PRO's Ad Scheduling feature to boost your ad performance!
Ad scheduling strategy #1: Using The Lab Wasted Adspend Heatmap by Hour.
Determine the optimal times for running your ads by analyzing customer buying patterns using our report in The Lab: The Wasted Adspend Heatmap by Hour
Using this report, you can identify peak customer engagement hours for all SKUs or with the Single SKU view.
Using the "Select Data:" dropdown at the top left you should be able to choose from several different data points including: ACOS, Attributed Conversions, Attributed Sales, Attributed Units Ordered, Impressions, Clicks and ROAS
Watch our introductory video, HERE!
Ad scheduling strategy #2: Testing
NOTE: this strategy will work for Sponsored Products campaigns only, as we can’t copy Sponsored Brands campaigns as they have different creation flow that we can’t support. We would recommend using the Wasted Adspend Heatmap by Hour for the US marketplaces!
You can create multiple identical campaigns (same product ads, budget, bid, etc.) and set those campaigns to run during equal sequential segments throughout the entire day. After enough activity is collected, you can analyze the results to determine if certain times or days offer enhanced ROI for your campaigns, e.g., a higher click-through rate or lower ACoS% in the evening vs. the morning.
Example: 12 manual campaigns in the Ad Genius tool set to run in 2-hour segments throughout the day with the same keywords, product ads and bids.
You can easily copy a campaign inside Ad Genius! For this, please navigate to the Campaign Manager page, choose a campaign that you want to copy and click the three dots next to the campaign name. Then select the Copy Campaign option from the drop-down. This way, you will create an exact copy of the campaign.
After you copy a campaign, you are welcome to set up Ad Scheduling for each newly created campaign as mentioned above! Also, you can name your campaigns according to the time they run, for example, Advertising Campaign Manual - 6 AM-8AM to make it easier to analyze the results.
Ad scheduling strategy #3: Evening Advertising
Since Sponsored Products budgets reset every 24 hours, it’s understood that the competition for bid auctions will be lesser later in the day as more of your competitors run out of budget. Scheduling your campaigns to turn on exclusively during the evening, restricting them from running during the most competitive times, might be an opportunity to capture lower priced bids after your competition has spent all of their budget earlier in the day.
In conclusion, ad scheduling is one more strategy you can use to get the most out of your Amazon Sponsored Products campaigns, and how you choose to use it will depend on your goals and category. Let us know which ad scheduling strategies you’ve found to be successful!
For more information on how to set up ad scheduling in your Ad Genius Tool, check out our how-to article here!
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